Reddy Kancharla Talks About The Major Branches of Engineering

Engineering is a broad field of study. Anyone desiring to become an engineer shall have numerous branches to make their choice from. Reddy Kancharla mentions that this choice can be a bit too difficult for some. Hence, they must firstly try to research on the most popular engineering branches and then try to identify which one of them excites and interest them the most. Mr. Kancharla, for example, has a great interest in construction, and hence ended up becoming a civil engineer.  He completed his Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering at Osmania University in Hyderbad, India. Subsequent to graduating, he immediately enrolled in Texas Tech University’s Masters of Science program in Civil Engineering, which he completed in 1987.

The employment prospects in almost all domains of engineering are quite impressive, especially in urban centers like New York City. Reddy Kancharla himself has managed to work on several projects in this city, including the ones related to the USTA National Tennis Center, Yankee Stadium, and Giants/Jets Stadium.  There are many renowned firms in New York who hire engineers of diverse styles, making it an ideal starting point for the career of any student doing their graduation in engineering.  However, before reaching this stage, people need to identify the branch of engineering they would actually like to make their career in. Rather than selecting a domain solely based on the salaries one can enjoy there, it is important to make the choice as per the natural inclination and passion of a person. If they are genuinely interested in a subject, they shall find it easier to stay motivated during their course and beyond, and not get bored after doing their job for a few years.

Here are some of the most popular branches of engineering in which one can make their career in, as per Reddy Kancharla:

  • Aerospace engineering: This branch of engineering focuses on the research, development, construction, and technology of aircrafts. Aerospace engineering is ideal for people who are fascinated by the methodologies and history behind flying vehicles, and have a keen interest in the mechanics of flight travel.
  • Civil engineering: This involves the professional practice of designing and developing buildings or infrastructure projects. Civil engineers can work on diverse scales, right from the development of water supply networks and bridges, to the construction of single roads or buildings. This engineering branch shall be ideal for people interested in designing and building things, and who desire to further develop their computer-aided design skills.
  • Chemical engineering: This branch of engineering deals with the use of chemical and biological processes for the purpose of producing useful substances or materials. Chemical engineering is a multidisciplinary subject that combines natural and experimental sciences with mathematics, economics, and life sciences.  Chemical engineering is a good choice for people who have an analytical mindset, and are interested in the chemical processes behind producing everyday items.

These were simply three of the many branches of engineering. Further details on all of them can be found online.